Bridging Faith with Action
What Does an Embodied Activist Theology Look Like? How can justice help dismantle supremacy cultures?
Justice Camp is an invitation to adventure through the terrain of our individual and collective moving bodies as we connect belief and action and understand harmony and justice at a cellular level.
Movement work is often organized by privileging the mind, but what happens when movement work is organized by practices of embodiment? What happens when the body becomes primary as we work for collective liberation?
Learning to translate thought to action creates conditions for an embodied activist theology. This year, Justice Camp will provide chances to participate in active learning through a series of conversations and somatic movement experiences. The work of embodying relational concepts of emergence, interdependence, and adaptability by exploring insights that emanate from our deep bodily wisdom is the primary work we will embark upon together as a learning community.
Listen carefully to the messages of the body – move, let go, and take risks in a co-creative environment. Explore the paradox of chaos and order as we flow between leading, following, tracking desire, and attending to choice.
Our bodies tell a story, and learning to weave together a collective embodied story will help us dismantle the reigning supremacy cultures that cause harm and disunity.
Through a strong sense of community, experience a simultaneous celebration of individual and group while highlighting the beauty and power of our ever-emerging communal consciousness.
Sponsored by
Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza
Erin Law, MFA
Check In for pre-festival events will be available on Wednesday from 1 pm to 5 pm, and Thursday from 7am to 9 am.
If you’re tent camping, there’s no additional campsite charge for Wednesdsy night.
Some campsite locations are restricted due to large venue tent construction in several areas.
RVr’s will need to purchase an additional night.