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Morgan Guyton
Morgan Guyton and his wife Cheryl are co-directors of the NOLA Wesley United Methodist Campus Center at Tulane and Loyola in New Orleans, LA. He has just released his first book How Jesus Saves the World from Us: 12 Antidotes to Toxic Christianity with Westminster John Knox. He blogs at

How Jesus Saves the World From Us: Reframing the Story of Salvation
Christianity has always been about being saved, but what if we need to be saved from a toxic understanding of salvation? What if Jesus needs to save the world from us rather than saving us from something else? Morgan Guyton will discuss his new book How Jesus Saves the World From Us: 12 Antidotes to Toxic Christianity. Each chapter offers a paradigm shift for escaping toxic Christianity, like “Worship not Performance,” “Mercy not Sacrifice,” “Communion not Correctness,” and “Solidarity not Sanctimony.” By reframing the story of Christian salvation, Christians can be detoxified of the worldly values of empire and capitalism.

Jesus Rave
Based on the WGF favorite Rave Sermon, Jesus Rave is an interactive sermonic experience that includes a multitude of voices and contributions. With a goal of maximizing personal empowerment and participation, youth will take poetry, song, and taize-style refrains constructed in other space to be shared in tandem with the electronic music.