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Micky ScottBey Jones
Micky ScottBey Jones is a womanist contemplative activist, healing justice practioner, nonviolent direct action organizer and consultant who facilitates conferences, workshops, retreats, and online conversations. She writes & speaks on a variety of topics including healing justice, communal self-care, contemplative activism, intersectionality and theology from the margins. Micky has an earned M.A. in Intercultural Studies and is an Associate Fellow of Racial Justice with Evangelicals for Social Action. She is a collaborator with Faith Matters Network and Children’s Defense Fund. Micky was named one of the Black Christian leaders changing the world in Huffington Post.

Revolutionary Friendship & Real Ally-ship: Our Stories
We don’t always get it right. Some conversations start off cautious. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we cuss. But we are dedicated to a revolutionary friendship that unites two very different women in the fight for intersectional racial justice. A white woman from the OC and a Black woman from the deep South will discuss how they are friends and collaborators in ways that elevate marginalized voices, avoid co-opting, handle white privilege and work through white fragility and #notallwhitepeople behavior and yes, also keep friendships growing in love.

America’s Original Sin- A Town Hall on Race in America  with Jim Wallis
America was founded by the near genocide of one people and the enslavement of another. Since that foundation, the United States has never confronted the racialized structures and systems put in place at the outset. Now in a few decades the United States will be, for the first time in its history, a majority of minorities. This fact is underneath much of the political rhetoric and discourse we now see. This town hall discussion will look at that realty and how white Christians have to become more Christian than white.

Micky ScottBey Jones Moderator with Panelists Kenji Kuramitsu, Miea  Walker, AnaYelsi Velasco-Sanchez