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Jacqui Lewis
Dr. Jacqui Lewis is Senior Minister at Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village of Manhattan. Middle Church is a dynamic 900-member multiracial, multicultural, inclusive congregation in which everyone is welcome just as they are as they come through the door. Lewis is also the Executive Director of The Middle Project, an institute that prepares ethical leaders for a more just society. Prior to Middle Church, Dr. Lewis worked as a senior consultant for the Alban Institute. Lewis has been a pastor to two congregations in Trenton, New Jersey. One was a new church development and community center called the Imani Community Church, a rich multicultural experiment, which cemented her commitment to multicultural and multiracial congregations as a way to dismantle discrimination. Lewis believes that when we “rehearse” the Reign of God in congregational life, we learn lessons for healing the world.

Opening Sermon: Wild and in Living Color
Acts 2:1-13 The church was birthed in a multiethnic, multicultural, wild flurry of Spirit. We are called to build church like that. What does this mean for our lives of faith