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David Bollt
Through years of spiritual inquiry, meditation, personal transformation and relational training David has cultivated a remarkable capacity to help people map their inner landscapes. He has an uncanny ability to illuminate unconscious behavior patterns that cause people to feel disconnected from themselves, each other and even God. David sees spiritual exploration, group facilitation and personal coaching as art forms. He has developed his own highly articulate style of helping people move towards wholeness, authenticity and freedom.

Practicing the Presence of People
Connecting with the divine through connecting with others: Do you think of God or Spirit as a something that dwells within all of creation? If so, than where better to look for a connection with the divine, than relating with another human being? Is it possible that whatever is in the way of you fully experiencing another person, is the same thing that stands in the way of you fully experiencing God in any given moment? Join us a we contemplate our relationship to God, as something we can explore through our relationship to each other.