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Tiny Bubbles: An exploration of Sexuality, Lies, and Marshmallows

Fri 10 AM | Living Room

Pam Rocker has been in all kinds of bubbles. From life as a conservative international missionary based in Texas to performing queer feminist songs and sermons across Canada, she has traveled in and out of acceptance and animosity with the norms of faith and family. Through her work as a faith leader and a queer performer, Pam explores the bubbles that trap us and that keep us safe, and how we know the difference. Come and experience story and poetry as you expand the edges of your bubble and discover what else is out there!

Pam Rocker

Pam Rocker is an atypical activist, award-winning writer, speaker, and musician. Pam has worked for many years for the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in faith communities and beyond. She was chosen as one of the top 30 activists in Canada in THIS Magazine, nominated as Artist of the Year in the Heart of Excellence awards, and writes/performs queer feminist ukulele comedy music. Pam is one of the Top 40 Under 40 in Avenue Magazine, a committee member of PechaKucha Calgary, Chair of the Observer Magazine, and an instructor with YouthWrite Alberta. She is currently the Director of Affirming Connections for Calgary and speaks, teaches, and plays north and south of the border.

233 Tiny Bubbles: An exploration of Sexuality, Lies, and Marshmallows
290 Sacred and Profane
289 Loving Our Way to Freedom

Session #233