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Goose Group – Open 12 Step Recovery: AA, NA, GA, SLAA and OA .

Thu 6 PM | River

Dillon C.

Honoring recovery traditions and Group Conscience from years past, we will be using the 12 Steps as first put forth in “Alcoholics Anonymous” in a slightly modified version to share experience, strength and hope with each other across the recovery spectrum in open discussion during each session. It is hoped that other meeting facilitators will ‘step up’ to lead some of the sessions just like you would at your home group. We are influenced with gratitude by the flexibility and fluidity of the Wharf Rat recovery movement that originated with the Grateful Dead. Our purpose is to grow Spiritually – to grow in our relationship with the Divinity of our understanding.

G. Dillon Culbreth

Dillon C

An anonymous bio should be a fun assignment. After all, the second A in AA is ‘Anonymous’, yet how can we be of assistance if people can’t even tell we’re in ‘the program’? I made the ‘offer’ to host ’12 Step Recovery’ since I have experienced AA, NA, GA, SLAA, and OA .. however the Goose decides to fly the flag is fine by me .. as long as I’ve got a meeting! Since this IS Wild Goose, I come to serve .. food and Spirit .. so if you are trying to find me other than at meeting times, a good start would be to look for the purple glasses in the tent or behind the scenes at One Heart Café. I can’t bring my cat Thay to the Goose, but the reunions when I pick him up at the ‘Cat Condo’ make it OK! If you find the talk I walk something you’d like to dig into deeper, look up Ashe Unity Group at .. I average five of our six meetings per week. Remember, it’s all One Day At A Time!

177 Goose Group Recovery

Session #177