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The Wisdom of Awareness, Insight, and Mindfulness

Fri 11 AM | Portal

Randy Bell

Today, many spiritual seekers across religious traditions are exploring Awareness, Insight, or Mindfulness practices. Unfortunately, these three terms have become highly overused, and their meanings are often confusing. Thereby, their usefulness to many spiritual seekers has been sorely diminished. In this session, we will take a fresh look at these very important concepts and practices. We need to understand that these ideas are not synonymous. Rather, they are distinct yet interrelated concepts which, when taken together, have great power to guide us in our spiritual quest. This overview session will clarify the distinct meaning and purpose of each concept, and how they work together. Thereby, we will see how they can move us further towards the Spiritual Wisdom we seek. The session is based upon Randy Bell’s book “Awareness, Insight, & Mindfulness: 3 Steps on the Path to Wisdom.” The session will include lecture, everyday examples, group discussion, and Q&A.

Randy Bell

I am the Director of Spring Creek Spirituality based in Asheville, NC, welcoming all faiths and backgrounds as we explore each person’s individual spirituality using our everyday language. My spiritual path has taken me to many diverse sources, though I am principally a follower of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, Buddha, Lao-Tsu, and have been a Zen practitioner for 40 years. I write extensively on various spiritual topics, including 14 books, 2 blog sites, and various reference materials. I serve as a guest speaker/session leader, lead spiritual and personal growth workshops and retreat sessions, and am a meditation teacher. I provide spiritual direction and companioning, and in 2016 & 2017 was on the Spiritual Direction Team at Wild Goose. I am also a member of North Carolina Writer’s Network and Spiritual Directors International. My personal resume website can be found at Books and publications can be found at

53 Wisdom of A-I-M
351 Spiritual Direction

Session #53