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Michael Camp

Author of Craft Brewed Jesus (2016) and Confessions of a Bible Thumper (2012), Michael Camp’s insights as a former conservative evangelical and amateur historian will open your eyes to spiritual paradigms rarely imagined today. Michael spent twenty-five years in the evangelical movement, as a missionary to Muslims, a development worker in Africa, and a lay leader in independent, charismatic, and Baptist churches before experiencing a huge faith shift.

Today, he blogs, attends pub theology gatherings, participates in non-conventional spiritual community, speaks to secular and faith-based audiences, and facilitates empowerment projects for the poor in Africa and Asia through his Rotary Club near Seattle, Washington. Engaging his journey just might set you free from the chains of modern, organized religion and “churchianity.” On such e-media as Homebrewed Christianity, Darkwood Brew, The New Covenant Group, Provoketive Magazine, and Recovering Fundamentalists, he shares his story and experience engaging the world with God’s inclusive love outside a traditional religious box.