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Therese Taylor-Stinson
Therese Taylor-Stinson is a retired Federal Senior Program Analyst, whom also served as a lead mediator for Equal Employment Opportunity disputes across Government. She is an ordained deacon and ruling elder in the PC(USA), currently serving as Moderator of National Capital Presbytery. A graduate of the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, Therese is a spiritual director in private practice. She is a member of the Shalem Society for Contemplative Leadership and was commissioned associate faculty for Shalem’s Personal Spiritual Deepening Program. Therese is a founder, incorporator, and the Managing Member of the Spiritual Directors of Color Network, Ltd., and a long-time member of Spiritual Directors International (SDI), serving on their Editorial Review Panel for Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction. An author and editor, she co-edited and contributed authorship to the groundbreaking anthology Embodied Spirits: Stories of Spiritual Directors of Color. Look for her new volume coming in 2017.

Noonday Centering Prayer
Noonday Centering Prayer is a time of intention for that which we call God. We will spend an hour with others who have Centering Prayer as a daily practice or who may be considering Centering Prayer. After introductions and sharing, there will be a reading related to the practice of Centering Prayer followed by 20 minutes of silence. We will end with The Lord’s Prayer. If time permits, some may stay behind to share out of the silence as well. This will be offered on Friday.