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If Not Us, Then Who? The Role of the Faith in Equitable and Sustainable Economic Development

Sat 5 PM | River

Anna Golladay

Corporate congregational attitudes toward money, assets and Kingdom should present us with a dilemma of conscious. We must speak of money AND meaning – never one without the other. Because it is not the money part that defines our covenant. It’s the meaning part. What do we mean to God & one another? What does money mean to us & God? Most importantly, is our act of stewardship one of obedience or liberation? Looking outside the walls forces us reckon with a disgusting level of income. In our urban neighborhoods we face a significant lack of equity. Income inequality exposes itself in the lack of entrepreneurial opportunity and start-up support for these community members. People of color are not able to secure funding because of a multitude of issues, most as a result of racial bias. What could happen if churches intentionally engaged in solving the crisis of financial inequity? Could we imagine a partnership between neighbors that is free from the dilemma of consciousness and instead immersed in transformative partnership?

Anna Golladay

Art Director/Creative Guru
Anna is the Sr Director of Communications and Marketing for the Center for Progressive Renewal / Convergence. She thrives on curating creative, spiritual & entrepreneurial possibility.

Via her social enterprise Work of Place she helps urban churches understand how their underutilized facilities can work alongside burgeoning entrepreneurs, often lacking in resource and financing, with the intent of sparking both neighborhood revitalization and an increase in ideators who change their communities. Additionally, she is the Executive Producer of the Inhabit Conference and works in a multitude of other ways with the Parish Collective and their affiliates..

She is a pastor in the United Methodist Church. Her ministry is focused on social justice and any inequity that exists both in and outside the walls of the corporate church. She is diligent in her advocacy of full inclusion of all persons in the United Methodist denomination.

335 Creating Congregational Change
336 How Faith Should Influence Equitable Economic Growth
337 Bridging Radical Difference

Session #336