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Hearing Your Call and Listening

Sat 11 AM | Episcopal

Episcopal Service Corps

A key part of a service year with Episcopal Service Corps is helping young people discern their call going forward. While ESC’s focus is on 21 to 28-year-olds, figuring out how to live into God’s call doesn’t stop in our twenties. Indeed, current events have created a national dynamic where many are recognizing the need to do more than bring home a paycheck — they want to contribute toward building the Beloved Community either through a different type of work or deeper involvement in justice and equity issues. Using models from Johnson Service Corps and The Abraham Project, North Carolina’s Episcopal Service Corps affiliates, this workshop offers space to draw nearer to where you may be called next.

Aleta Payne

Aleta Payne is Executive Director of Johnson Service Corps, a diverse, ecumenical community of young adults committed to social justice, spiritual growth, and community living in Chapel Hill and Durham, NC and an affiliate of the Episcopal Service Corps. Prior to joining the staff of JSC, Aleta spent 16 years with the NC Council of Churches working on issues of justice, equity, and peace through a progressive faith lens.

151 Hearing Your Call

Becky Johnston

Becky Waldrup Johnston currently serves as the Program Director at The Abraham Project in Winston-Salem, NC. She landed in this role after winding her way through life as a full-time Baptist Minister, a College Minister in a Presbyterian Church, and now finds her worshipping home at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church. Becky spends her days hanging out with her two girls, one husband, and two dogs… And finds bizarre enjoyment from using a paper, old-school planner. (Feel free to come by her “Do Good.” RV site for some coffee or s’mores.)

151 Episcopal Service Corps

Session #151