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Preaching as Resistance

Fri 4PM | River

Phil Snider

In the wake of the nationalism, nihilism, patriarchy, and alt-right fear-mongering that’s accompanied the surprising rise and valorization of Donald Trump, many pastors and faith-based leaders find themselves drawn toward acts of resistance—sometimes even from the pulpit—in ways they perhaps hadn’t previously considered, at least not with the same sense of urgency they now feel. This session will reflect on the kind of preaching that not only resists, challenges, and troubles the problematic structures of authoritarianism and oppression crashing in from all sides, but also invites listeners to experience the transformation, possibility, and hope stirring in the gospel of Christ.

Phil Snider

The Rev. Dr. Phil Snider is an activist, pastor, writer, and teacher. His books include Preaching as Resistance (forthcoming, 2018), Justice Calls: Sermons of Welcome and Affirmation, and Preaching after God: Derrida, Caputo, and the Language of Postmodern Homiletics. In addition to teaching at Missouri State University, his vocational heart is at the intersection of congregational ministry and community organizing. He’s a pastor at Brentwood Christian Church in Springfield, MO and is perhaps best known for the 15 minutes of fame he experienced when one of his speeches on LGBTQ rights went viral, leading to over five million views on YouTube.

117 Preaching as Resistance

Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza

Curator, Justice Camp
Named at 1 of 10 Faith Leaders to watch in 2018 by the Center for American Progress, Dr. Robyn is an anti-oppression, anti-racist, non-binary Trans*gressive Latinx. Dr. Robyn takes seriously their call as an activist theologian and ethicist to bridge together theories and practices that result in communities responding to pressing social concerns. Dr. Robyn sees this work as a life-orienting vocation, deeply committed to translating theory to practice, and embedded in re-imagining our moral horizon to one which privileges a politics of radical difference.

To learn more, check out Dr. Robyn’s website:

Justice Camp Pre-Festival Event
46 Surviving The Tyranny of The Now
117 Preaching as Resistance
128 Taking to the Social Streets
289 Loving Our Way to Freedom
290 Sacred and Profane
337 Bridging Radical Difference

Leah Schade

The Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade is the Assistant Professor of Preaching and Worship at Lexington (Ky.) Theological Seminary. An ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) for 18 years, Leah has served congregations in rural, urban, and suburban settings. She earned both her MDiv and Ph.D. degrees from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Her book Creation-Crisis Preaching: Ecology, Theology, and the Pulpit are available at Her forthcoming book, Preaching in the Purple Zone: Ministry in the Red/Blue Divide, will be published by Rowman & Littlefield in 2019, and explores how clergy and churches can address controversial justice issues using nonpartisan, biblically-centered approaches along with deliberative dialogue. Leah is the EcoPreacher blogger for Patheos:

71 Purple Zone – Deliberative Dialogue
219 Re-Member and Re-Imagine:Creation Care
117 Preaching as Resistance

Rev. Alexis James Waggoner

Rev. Alexis James Waggoner is a theologian and educator working as the Marketing and Digital Education Director for the Westar Institute, an interfaith organization dedicated to bridging the gap between religious scholarship and culture. She is also an adjunct professor of religion, and a minister with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). When she’s not rabble-rousing for progressive theology, she serves as a Chaplain in the Air Force Reserves.

117 Preaching as Resistance

Session #117